The MTP Business Learning Blog

This blog is produced by MTP for senior professionals highlighting relevant and interesting books and articles on business, finance and strategy, and the opportunity to comment on them. It also contains news of MTP and its clients and, from time to time, extracts from MTP publications.

Monday, 29 July 2013

‘Align IT’ - book review

Align IT’ by Richard Wyatt-Haines, published by Wiley

This is the second book on the management of IT that I am reviewing as part of course development for a client.  The first was criticised for being too generic and lightweight, criticisms that could not be applied to this book.  This is a much more substantial work - over 400 pages - and is constantly relating points to IT; but it is not an easy read and I would expect most of those who buy it to use it for reference rather than to read through.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

‘IT Leadership Manual – Roadmap to becoming a Trusted Business Partner’ - book review

‘IT Leadership Manual – Roadmap to becoming a Trusted Business Partner’ by Alan R Guibord‘IT Leadership Manual – Roadmap to becoming a Trusted Business Partner’ by Alan R Guibord

This book is one of three that I am reviewing to help in the development of supporting material for our new training programme on Business Partnering for managers in IT, which we recently piloted for British American Tobacco.  The above title suggested that this book would be directly relevant to this programme but, as I have found during many of my reviews, books do not always contain what is says on the cover.

The sad truth about this book is that reads more like a generic text on leadership, rather than a tailored manual for IT people.  It is not in any sense a manual; it makes limited references to IT and offers very little on business partnering.  It can therefore only be described as a disappointment for those who have the expectations built up by the title.

The coverage of leadership is quite readable and practical but the overall tone and level are pitched very much at those who are just starting on a management career.  The first half of the book is mainly focussed on the individual and self-awareness; it is not until chapter 5 that there is mention of the skills of relating to others and this topic is covered at a fairly obvious and basic level, for example:
·       -  ‘Be passionate’
·        - ‘Be honest’
·         -‘Be a good communicator’
·         -‘Build your own team’

There is coverage of the need to build relationships and to network but limited mention of specific skills and how to develop them; no guidance on empathy, questioning or challenging and only a cursory reference to influencing.  There is a helpful section on the need for an IT person to adopt a selling approach and to achieve consensus but no advice on how these skills can be developed and improved.

My main criticism of this book however is the absence of the two key elements promised by the title - references to IT and to business.  For someone whose biography mentions work with Oracle and Microsoft and claims to have held CIO positions, there are surprisingly few references to what happens in IT departments or major companies.  Where there are practical anecdotes, these are at a personal level, mainly from when the author ran Computerworld magazine.  And there are very few examples of interactions with colleagues in other functions, which is what a book on business partnering should be about.

The common failure to quote what happens in respected major companies is a regular theme of my book reviews.  It is of course much easier to sit at your desk and churn out generalisations.  I know from my recent book on Finance Business Partnering how difficult and messy it is to get companies to agree to be quoted; it took us over six months to get BAT, Invensys, Rolls Royce, Shell and Unilever to agree to the chapters that featured them; but it was worth it in the end because it is the practices of companies like these that readers want to know about, not simplistic platitudes.

After finishing the book I looked at the index, just to check that my overall impression was backed up by the references there.  My views were confirmed.  No references to big companies, few references to IT, hardly any mentions of business partnering.  This book could only be of benefit to someone just starting their career as a very general and basic ‘101’ on leadership.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

‘Re-appraising appraisals’

‘Re-appraising appraisals’ by Tim Baker, Training Journal, July 2013

This article caught my eye because the topic of appraisal is of interest - and often the subject of vigorous debate - for most managers and particularly for those in Learning & Development.  It is unusual for anyone we meet on courses to shower praise on their organisation’s appraisal system; more often there are complaints that the process is a waste of time or fails to happen as it should. 

The author starts with a transcript of the famous appraisal interview in ‘The Office’ television series and, though this is a nice reference, it doesn’t seem quite so funny in writing and goes on rather too long.  But the point is made; in the wrong hands appraisal interviews can be a disaster, particularly if the system is over-formalised to comply with a group mandate. 

The author’s contention is that the conventional appraisal system does not work.  His justification for this is his research into 2,000 managers and HR professionals in Australia and New Zealand.  He does not present any evidence to prove that this response would also apply in other regions but I have no doubt that it would.  But I am also convinced that you would find a similar response if you asked about budgeting or strategic planning systems in big companies; any system which is imposed top down is seen as providing little value to those who have to cope with the detail.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean that there is not benefit to the company as a whole.

The adjectives quoted to describe the problems of appraisal systems include costly, destructive, formal and stressful; other complaints included form filling, monologue and a lack of follow up. This is very much in line with concerns we have heard about when organising courses and were no surprise.  But the research only begs the question - what else would replace it?  The author admits that performance management is one of the most challenging issues that companies face and that good feedback is the key to success. So an alternative is needed.

The alternative suggested by the author is a framework of five conversations, to take place over six months.  Each conversation has a separate topic and these are:
·     Climate review
·     Strengths and talents
·     Opportunities for growth
·     Learning and Development
·     Innovation and improvement

My initial reaction to this was that it feels time consuming ,a complaint that is often made about appraisal systems; ‘we just haven’t had time to fix a meeting’ is a common whinge, often from those who are looking to avoid the interview.  Finding space in the diary ten times a year sounds even more time heavy but then I read on to find that each conversation should take about 15 minutes.  This may allay complaints about time commitment but it is difficult to imagine meaningful conversations on such wide-ranging topics in that timescale.  An hour would seem realistic and ten hours a year is perhaps not unreasonable for something as important as this.  Whether managers would in practice remember to fit ten such meetings is another matter; I wondered why not once a month, which might be easier to remember and to fit into calendars on a regular basis.

The article describes the likely agenda for each conversation and there is nothing that one could argue with; the themes are very much what a good appraisal interview would cover anyway.  What this framework seems to be doing is spreading it over a longer period, which may have its advantages but also raises questions of practicality.  Would managers be more likely to comply with this system and why would the complaints above not apply in just the same way?  Calling a meeting a conversation doesn’t necessarily change the dynamic though it is possible that more frequent meetings might lower the stress levels.  A further concern around time is that the author argues for each meeting to be recorded in writing but with ‘simplified templates’ which I guess everybody involved in any kind of appraisal would want to see.

A more convincing argument is that the separate meeting on Learning & Develoment would allow more focus on that aspect of the appraisal, though dealing with strengths/talents and L & D as separate topics might not ensure the best possible linkage.  Less convincing was the author’s rather vague claim that ‘several organisations have replaced their old appraisal system with the Five Conversations framework’ and ‘the feedback has been generally very positive’. As I often remark in my article reviews, it is difficult to achieve credibility without named examples of real success; most organisations do not mind being mentioned if the product is good and even a description of the size and sector of the companies involved would make the claim more credible.

This article introduces an interesting and different approach to appraisal but seems to depend rather too much on management discipline to ensure that such regular meetings are held.  When choosing this article to review, I had hoped for more depth on the psychological aspects of appraisal; I remember once reading an article that claimed that appraisals were doomed to failure for a different reason; because most people think that their performance is better than it really is and better than most of their peers.  Thus appraisals are always going to disappoint.  Exploring that issue would be more interesting than this article’s emphasis on changing the title and the frequency.