In Search of the Good Business, The Economist, August 9th
This article features our biggest and longest standing client Unilever and describes, in a generally complimentary way, their well-publicised initiative to make environmental sustainability the leading edge of their long term strategy. The author makes the point that the man who has driven this approach – Paul Polman, their CEO since 2009 – is in some ways turning the clock back to the early days of the company when the founder William Lever had a similar goal, based on ‘responsible capitalism’.
This article features our biggest and longest standing client Unilever and describes, in a generally complimentary way, their well-publicised initiative to make environmental sustainability the leading edge of their long term strategy. The author makes the point that the man who has driven this approach – Paul Polman, their CEO since 2009 – is in some ways turning the clock back to the early days of the company when the founder William Lever had a similar goal, based on ‘responsible capitalism’.