The MTP Business Learning Blog

This blog is produced by MTP for senior professionals highlighting relevant and interesting books and articles on business, finance and strategy, and the opportunity to comment on them. It also contains news of MTP and its clients and, from time to time, extracts from MTP publications.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Tesco - what went wrong?

'Tesco's board is seriously lacking retail experience', by Luke Johnson, Financial Times, 24th September 2014

Tesco have been in the news a lot recently, the latest event being the announcement of a £250 million accounting misstatement.

Luke Johnson, the serial entrepreneur, has a very interesting piece in the Business Life section of the Financial Times of 24th September.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Disruptive Innovation

Pardon the Disruption, The Economist, 6th September 2014

The Free Exchange column of The Economist of 6th September covers the subject of innovation, particularly disruptive innovation.  This topic has been the focus of many sessions for our clients over the past few years, as well as a popular module on our Learning Effectiveness Network, a series of complimentary virtual classroom sessions that we offer a couple of times a year.